About us

We are Lusi Alderslowe and Nim Robins - both permaculture educators and passionate about sharing this with children. We have been working together running courses with the Children in Permaculture project since 2020, and now that project has come to an end this is our new collaboration to continue evolving our work. You can read a little more about us both below.


Lusi is a permaculture educator living in SW Scotland, facilitating learning for both adults and children. The Children in Permaculture Coordinator and an educator member of the Permaculture Association, a Forest School Leader, a tutor for the Diploma in Appled Permaculture design and an author of the book ‘Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share in Education: the Children in Permaculture Manual’.

From 2014 to 2022, Lusi was coordinating the international ‘Children in Permaculture’ project  for the Permaculture Association (Britain) which was an Erasmus+ funded, sociocratically organised European project. In the process, Lusi was a key team member who wrote case studies, curriculum, session plans, hundreds of activities and a book about engaging children in permaculture. You can read it for free online, or purchase a book here.

Lusi is involved in various organisations locally and nationally, including being a member of the Permaculture Scotland Working Group of the Permaculture Association, and the Gatehouse Development Initiative.

Lusi cooks, forages, gardens, plays with her kids, surveys badgers, cycles a lot, walks more, organises numerous events, travels by train and bus, and loves our abundant and beautiful Earth. She has a fun, informative, participatory teaching style with lots of diversity.

Lusi is on the certifying teachers register to award Permaculture Association Permaculture Design Course certificates.


Nim Robins is a permaculture educator living in SW Wales, and works with children and adults in a range of settings, from working within her local Steiner school where she runs the gardening and land care program, to teaching introduction up to full permaculture design courses for adults. Nim is also an assessment tutor for students studying for their diploma with the Permaculture Association UK and is a registered and certified educator able to award Permaculture Design course certificates.

After a background in primary school teaching, forest school leadership, Ecology and permaculture studies, Nim spent several years re-wilding school playgrounds across the UK through Organic Playgrounds, a permaculture design company she formed back in 2014. She has been a trainer with Children in Permaculture since 2020, and has worked together with Lusi in creating and running a variety of different courses in sharing permaculture with children and the adults that work with them.

Since 2019 Nim has been busily designing and implementing a 7 acre permaculture/regenerative agriculture smallholding in Pembrokeshire and is running residential courses here also. You can see more on this at www.cynefinfarm.com

Nim is passionate about sharing permaculture with others and thrives on finding creative and participatory ways to share this with her students.